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Adult and Alternative Education

Free Programming for ALL Learners

Adult Basic Education
High School Completion (HSC)
High School Equivalency (GED)
Free Childcare

Sign up for Our FREE Adult and Alternative Classes

The InnOVative Learning Center (OVAE) serves the greater Muskegon area by providing the highest degree of excellence in adult and alternative education services and programs to meet the needs of our community. All classes are free. Our program’s priorities are to improve all learners’ educational levels while enhancing access to employment, job training, and post-secondary education opportunities.

Project Based Learning @ The InnOVative Learning Center Project-based learning (PBL) involves students designing, developing, and constructing hands-on solutions to a problem. The educational value of PBL is that it aims to build students’ creative capacity to work through difficult or ill-structured problems, commonly in small teams.

High School Equivalency Diploma (GED) @ Orchard View Adult Education Our GED program proudly prepares adult learners for success in the job market, college, and beyond by building the skills and confidence they need to flourish. As the leading high school equivalency program in Muskegon, we prepare students for success on the GED test and for life.

High School Completion @ Orchard View Adult Education Discover how you can pursue your career and personal dreams with resources and support to finish your high school diploma as well as enroll at a community college or in a job training program.

LINKED Muskegon @ the Career Tech Center (CTC) Linked Muskegon is a FREE, 18-week adult education and training program developed to meet the need for skilled workers in today’s work-place environment. The program is a collaboration between local employers, adult education programs, the Career Tech Center, and West Michigan Works!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who do we serve?

We serve High school eligible students and older

What do I need to enroll?

For learners younger than 18, we must have a copy of ID with date of birth (birth certificate, state ID, or drivers license).

How long does it take to enroll?

Depending on your age and path you would like to take, enrollment can take up to 1.5 hours to complete; this includes the CASAS placement assessment.

How often do you offer GED testing?
Weekly on Thursdays at 9:30am and 4:30pm, or by appointment when necessary.

Do you provide transportation?
The InnOVative Learning Center and some of the Orchard View Adult Education sites are located on the MATS bus route. We do offer bus passes to students that are actively engaged and participating.

Do you offer computer-based learning?
Orchard View Adult Education and The InnOVative Learning Center offer online computer-based learning opportunities. This option is available for those preparing for the GED or those looking to obtain their Orchard View diploma. Participants work at their own pace. Each class meets state standards. Qualified instructors are available during class and virtual appointments for support.

Do you offer childcare?
We do! Free, on-site childcare, is offered at our 2900 location, during the hours of 9:00am – 4:00pm, for any student showing continued progress.

Graduation Order Form

No cost for cap and gown use. We provide a cap and gown and they return it at the end of the graduation ceremony. Tassels are free, and each graduation receives a complimentary 5×7.

*Individual photo is complementary

  • $0.00

Where are your campuses located and what are the hours?

Orchard View
OVAE Center – Main Campus
2900 E Apple Ave
231.760.1953 ILC Alternative Education
Emails: samantha.zentner@orchardview.org,

Other locations:
GoodWill: marcia.truxton-frye@orchardview.org
Norton Shores Library: lynda.ferry@orchardview.org
Mission and Exit (CLOSED to Public): angela.hoeh@orchardview.org
Jail (CLOSED to Public): tom.bruno@orchardview.org

MRM – Community Resource Center
Community Resource Center,
1747 Seventh Street,
Muskegon, MI 49441
Email: georgia.moss@orchardview.org

West Michigan Works!
Terrace Plaza Campus
316 Morris Ave
Email: matt.kisosondi@orchardview.org

Muskegon Area
Career Tech Center
200 Harvey St
Email: georgia.moss@orchardview.org